Hide Smart Home

Ask your voice assistant.
Control your home.
Move your devices from room to room.

Hide’s home?
As smart as it gets.

We’re doing everything that no one has ever done anything about and around AC outlets.

Control your home, enjoy your music.

Get the most out of your AC outlets.

Hide’s cover will soon become a support for a number of smart devices, including your favorite Voice Assistant. Pre-order now and be there first.

How do devices get power?

A transformer takes 12V CC form standard AC electricity, which is brought to the cover devices by special contacts mounted on the cover’s sliding rails.

On-board 5V transformer
Installed directly on Hide’s body, turns 125V power to electronic-friendly 5V.

Electric micro-conductors
5V electricity is brought from the transformer through Hide to the top its chassis.

Contact rail guides
Low-voltage power is so supplied to the smart cover directly through Hide.

Bring your music, security and convenience with you

With Hide there’s no more harm for the kids. Hide’s cover lid protects the electric contacts and avoids misuse and incidents.